
All about… Lemon Balm

15 . May .2013admin0 Comments

Going along with a recent blog post about attracting butterflies and bees to your garden, Lemon Balm is a plant that bees love. This herb, which is a member of the mint family, can grow up to 2 feet tall and has a delightful lemony scent.

Lemon balm will bloom yellow/white flowers that are attractive to bees, humming birds, and butterflies. Although not as showy as some other plants, this herb is definitely a good choice as an ornamental or as an addition to a butterfly and bee garden. Try growing it in containers as well. Lemon balm is also useful, since the leaves can be harvested and used for tea and in cooking. Its lemon taste will bring wonderful flavor to many dishes. It is said that this herb has relaxing properties.

If you are worried about lemon balm taking over in the garden, you can cut it back periodically so it doesn’t become overwhelming. Wait to harvest the leaves until you are about to use them, since they are best fresh. You can, however, dry them and use them later if you prefer, although their lemon flavor will not be as strong as when they are fresh.

The post All about… Lemon Balm appeared first on Hometownseeds Blog.

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